What It’s Like to Be a Philosophy PhD Student Involved in Theology

“I love being in America, but I’m also so interested in Holland.”
“Oh that’s cool, I live in Holland! Obviously I share your interest. There are some fascinating things here.”
“My favorite parts about Holland include wooden shoes and dams. Those are pervasive across Holland and so important to all Dutch people.”
“Sort of, though that’s kind of an oversimplification. I know many people here who might characterize things differently. There are a lot of other…”
“Based on a few Dutch I’ve seen in the media, I’ve developed a theory about how we Americans must consider the importance of wooden shoes and dams if we are to grow and broaden our understanding. It’s part of our history.”
“I’m all for growing and broadening our understanding, but over here we…”
“Not a lot of people I know have much of an awareness of Holland, so I’m writing a book on the relationship between America and Holland.”
“While I’m all for the interest in Holland, are you sure you’re qualified and the best person to…”
“You really need to read my book.”
“I live here. Can I offer you a few suggestions that might introduce some more accurate distinctions beyond wooden shoes and dams?”
“For example, that’s a pretty broad lens that…”
“I was getting my blog and podcast about Holland up and running. I think it’s going to be consumed widely and distribute a lot of helpful information.”
“You’ve only visited here once in college.”
“Pretty sure that makes me Dutch.”
“I’m not sure if it works that way.”
“Too late. A lot of people believe I’m Dutch now.”
America = Theology. Holland = Philosophy.